Kari Beate Tandberg
DEEP DIVE Kari Beate Tandberg, composer - 29.11.24
festival for experimental music
BERGEN 2025:
Modes and Moves
for symphonic band
performed by
Forsvarets Stabsmusikkorps SMFK
Bergen domkirke 13.03.25
Kammersalen, Horten kulturskole 07.03.2024
”Venskaben” i Asker 08.03.2024
Johan Sebastian Bach Sonate BWV 1014 – 1. sats, Adagio
Kari Beate Tandberg – Porphyry imitations (2016)
J. S. Bach Sonate BWV 1014 – 2. sats, Allegro
Karsten Brustad – su∂ (2016)
J. S. Bach Sonate BWV 1014 – 3. sats, Andante
K. B. Tandberg – Den membranøse labyrint (2023, WP)
J. S. Bach Sonate BWV 1014 – 4. sats, Allegro
K. Brustad – á∂r (2023, urframføring)
J. S. Bach Sonate BWV 1014 – 1. sats, Adagio
Composer Portrait
Two World Premieres
Galleri Athene, Drammen 13.05.2023
Chiaroscuro for violin, horn and piano (WP): Hilde Chapman,
Marianne Finseth, Monica Tomescu-Rohde
Drøs for piano four hand (WP): Anne Jenstad, Kari Beate Tandberg
Displacements for piano solo: Monica Tomescu-Rohde
Brikker for 6 piano players: Pupils from Drammen kulturskole
Lydspeil 2022
Parnassus nomion + Tsudoi II
HøstRiss 04.11.2022
The new work Parnassius nomion [String quartet] by Tandberg was world premeried on November 4th, 2022—at Høst–Riss, in Sarpsborg, by Nhi Phuong Do and Daniel Dalnoki; violins, Bendik Foss; viola and Iver Bunkholt; cello, as part of Lydspeil 2022—a collaborative project with the composer Karsten Brustad.
Tandberg + Kork
New Bass Concert0
Store Studio 13.01.2023
Kari Beate Tandbergs new work Dét for double–bass and orchestra, and Fabel for orchestra was premiered on January 13th (2023) by the Norwegian Radio Orchestra. Conductor is Jamie Philips, soloist on double bass was Marius Flatby. The entire concert was programmed by Tandberg.
for accordion and strings (KBT)
Christophersen, Tandberg, Skjelbred - 04.11.24
(Events continue)…
FRØYAS SANGER vol 2; Displacements
for piano solo (KBT)
World Premieres’
The White Heron and The Passing World (WP)
Shakuhashi, flute, koto and guitar
performed by
Korday Iwasaki, Marianne Aarum, Chieko Iwasaki, Gjermund Titlestad
Polynya bassoon and piano
Leann Currie; bs / Joachim Kwetzinsky; pno
NyMusikk Østfold, Moss Kirke 23.05.25
”Kvinnelige spor i musikkhistorien”, Galleri Athene Drammen 09.11.24
Asker Kammermusikkfestival 27.10.2024 (WP)
Variabiliteter narrator and choir (SATB)
Kammerkoret NOVA
dir. Julia S. Blank, Autumn 2025
Metis for euphonium and brass-kvintett Harriet H. Brændsrød
and Fem Messing, TBA 2026
Delta ∆ flute, alto saxophone, violin and cello TBA 2025
Dét version for Double bass and sinfonietta
Marius Flatby and Ensemble Ernst, 26.05.2024
Ridehallen, Oslo
Anmeldelse: Ballade.no
Fløy flute quintet ”5 på tvers”Glemmen, Fredrikstad and Sande church 09.03.24
Adams Flute-festival, Ittevoort Nederland 19-21.04.24
World Premiere
Tou scene, Stavanger 24.09.2023
Blooming for piano soloist, narrator and sinfonietta
with Olga Stezhko, Helga Guren and Insimul Sinfonietta conducted by Omer Shteinhart
Deviations for accordion and string orchestra was premiered by Andreas Angell and Telemark Chamber Orchestra in Hamar, Skien and Oslo (WP) 21.—26.10. 2021. As the title suggests, it is quite clear in this work that the accordion stands out visually, lined up against all the strings. This work examines, among other things, whether the differences also apply sonically and musically and in what way. When do they merge, when do they separate?
Parnassius nomion—String quartet, was world premeried November 4th 2022 at Høst–Riss, Sarpsborg by Nhi Phuong Do and Daniel Dalnoki; violins, Bendik Foss; viola, Iver Bunkholt; cello, as a part of Lydspeil 2022—a collaborative project with the composer Karsten Brustad.
This music is a tribute to the enormous diversity of species in the world as well as a reminder of the importance of protecting it. Parnassius nomion is the name of the Apollo-butterfly.
Tsudoi II was premiered on November 4th 2022 at Høst–Riss, Sarpsborg by Maiken Mathisen Schau; flute, Daniel Dalnoki; violin and Bendik Foss; viola.
Tsudoi means “coming together, gathering, interact”. The first version [2019] was written for flute, koto and celtic harp. Tsudio II is based on this first edition, however adapted to the two new instruments violin and viola.
Sound–Tales for alto saxophone and piano (2018) was commissioned by Kjellaug Kornstad for her Master-concerto at the University of Tromsø. She premiered the piece 14.06.2019 together with pianist Frederike Bischoff.
Sound Tales might be experienced as a journey through different soundscapes. Two contributors, alto saxophone and piano sonically merge, influence and complement each other, using their extended registers of sounds.
Porphyry imitations for violin and piano (2016-17) was premiered by Ingvild Habbestad and Joachim Kwetzinsky in Asker 19.01 and Oslo 25.01.2017
The music is inspired by the volcanic rock named Rhomb porphyry. In addition to East Africa and the Antarctica it only exists in the Oslo-region, Norway. The consistency is both crisp and hard, fine-grained and coarse-grained—created during a dramatic development 250 million years ago, when steamy lava mass was flowing out of the innermost chambers of earth.
Watch on YouTube
Dwindle for stringquartet (2008—2009) was premiered by Cikada string quartet in Moss 15.03.09 and Oslo 25.04.09
Dwindle is available on the CD: Kari Beate Tandberg Modes and Moves 2016. [listen on Spotify or Tidall]
“To open with a fading intensity is not really a recommended way of composing. However, in the string quartet Dwindle I make it a challenge to do so. And as far as I am concerned it works! In this piece, small motifs are repeated variations of themselves”. KBT